Well, to start. Kids these days, as though the box has been filled, are evidently falling out of the box. We learnt that our ultimate duty is to eat away the available resources and for the sake of gratification (which BTW, is recommended for a good night sleep) we print that tiny little green symbol saying "Reduce.Reuse.Recycle."
That has been our most honoring and yet ridiculously satirical gesture to the nature. As if we have accepted its friend request(Of course, we never did. But, Shhhhh...You don't say that out). Life was better the way it is, with yearly, 16 million hectares being deforested, 45,000 Tonnes of plastic waste being dumped in to the Oceans, 9.7 billion metric tonnes of co2 emissions into the atmosphere., Aww..Sounds Christmasy, doesn't it?
Then this kid fell off the hook. Like in one of those Google Earth maps, he zoomed out the whole not-intended-to-be-this-way 'scenario' and gazed in the eye of the big picture. "Daa! There it is. Why don't we focus on frugal usage of resources, instead?" (The word 'frugal' reminds me of Jeff Bezoz. I wouldn't really comment on his style of frugality, now here!)
He is Suvir Mirchandani, a 14-year-old Indian-origin boy has come up with a unique plan that could help the US save nearly $400 million a year by merely changing the font used on official documents. See? That's what we are talking about, the God Damn Big Picture!
Ink is actually more expensive than French perfume by volume.
From his analysis, Suvir figured out that by using the Garamond font with its thinner strokes, his school district could reduce its ink consumption by 24 per cent and in turn save as much as $21,000 annually, compared to the traditional Times New Roman Font.
In the end, however Technically odd it sounds, I implore all you printers, give Garamond a Go!
I’m Garamond. And I’m Cheap!
I’m Times New Roman, bitch!
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