Tuesday 26 August 2014

Give Garamond a Go!

Well, to start. Kids these days, as though the box has been filled, are evidently falling out of the box. We learnt that our ultimate duty is to eat away the available resources and for the sake of gratification (which BTW, is recommended for a good night sleep) we print that tiny little green symbol saying "Reduce.Reuse.Recycle."

That has been our most honoring and yet ridiculously satirical gesture to the nature. As if we have accepted its friend request(Of course, we never did. But, Shhhhh...You don't say that out). Life was better the way it is, with yearly, 16 million hectares being deforested, 45,000 Tonnes of plastic waste being dumped in to the Oceans, 9.7 billion metric tonnes of co2 emissions into the atmosphere., Aww..Sounds Christmasy, doesn't it?

Then this kid fell off the hook. Like in one of those Google Earth maps, he zoomed out the whole not-intended-to-be-this-way 'scenario' and gazed in the eye of the big picture. "Daa! There it is. Why don't we focus on frugal usage of resources, instead?" (The word 'frugal' reminds me of Jeff Bezoz. I wouldn't really comment on his style of frugality, now here!)

He is Suvir Mirchandani, a 14-year-old Indian-origin boy has come up with a unique plan that could help the US save nearly $400 million a year by merely changing the font used on official documents. See? That's what we are talking about, the God Damn Big Picture!

Ink is actually more expensive than French perfume by volume.

From his analysis, Suvir figured out that by using the Garamond font with its thinner strokes, his school district could reduce its ink consumption by 24 per cent and in turn save as much as $21,000 annually, compared to the traditional Times New Roman Font.

In the end, however Technically odd it sounds, I implore all you printers, give Garamond a Go!

I’m Garamond. And I’m Cheap!

I’m Times New Roman, bitch!


Stay tuned. Storm is coming!

Wednesday 26 December 2012

She smiles at a wolf!

Umm...where should I start? It's been a real long time, hasn't it? First off, congratulaions to the survivors of the D-day! Ha-Ha to the believers of the mayan myth. Phew! all this time I missed that inspirative spur to author a new post. Anyway, that's a daffy tale again. Hoping up the story to this morning, after I woke up to the usual caterwauling alarm tone of 'linkin park-Until it breaks!'. Marshalling up my bizzare brainwork, I switched on the 'Tiny toast' playlist as I brushed my teeth and did my privy. All fresh, I jaunted out.

Hola, there it was! Good Morning, I call it.

After a crisp chat with my next door neighbor I gave my feet a rest as I surfed web for the morning news and the headlines read a statistical report by RAIN-Rape Abuse & Incest National network:

- 44% of rape victims are under 18 yrs of age

- Every 2 minutes a woman faces some sort of sexual abuse in U.S

- 97% of rapists will never spend a day in jail

- 2/3 of the cases involve sexual abuse by someone personally known to the victim

followed by a galaxy of news reports about how woman in different parts of the world got raped, abused,
bitten, bruised, teased, trampled, tortured and yes, it included reports where woman were conflagrated and killed by the testosterone headed men. Just to make it more clear, somewhere in the world a girl just got sexually harassed by the time you finished reading the above stats!

Well, after reading this however the "Good" part in the morning was fizzled out. Why would any man do that to a woman? I contemplated. Is it because the so-called God is cuttingback on the female production? Men are from Mars and women are from Venus, they say. Men must have planned to rover Venus instead. As Shyam kapoor quotes, A girl, of this generation screams at a rat and smiles at a wolf!

This is a far-ranging and ubiquitous point at issue. But the problem here is not 'how can we reduce sexual harrasement against woman?' but instead it is 'how can we create a female friendly environment?' The understanding of the society, I feel, decides the society.

As with every post, this is no idea, this time its something more.

Men of quality respect woman's equality!

Sunday 30 September 2012

Wordy diet!

Have you ever had that bothersome don't know-where-it's headed sort of wordy discussions with your buddies/colleagues/partners?

Did you ever goggle that sense of stupidity comfortably creeping into your meaningful super colossal colloquy?

Did you ever feel that taction of difficulty in doctoring the loose-end conversations?

Then again,

Ever wonder what our highschool education actually focusses on?

Ever analysed what's leftover in completing the education?

All the bygone matter-of-course questions can be unknotted without a hitch by a subtle idea, an inconspicuous analytical rule: The 20/80 rule!

Shedding some light on the rule, this rule elucidates the fact that any discussion in general is driven only by 20% of it, i.e., 20% of the content of the argumentation rule the roost over the rest 80%. De facto this 80% liquidates the fine line of reasoning there-by making the conversation colossal.
Our education throws on us the whole package of voluminous information required to debate sensibly on any ivory-tower topic. That is our system's style of being unbiased, by feeding us with all the intricate and innate details of the nature and existence. But when it comes to the point of concluding a discussion this fatty information gotta have some diet. There comes into picture the 20/80 rule. This rule helps in downsizing the whole data by sucking out the liquidity(the 80% part). In this degree, the bothersome mind-boggling discussions can be easily sorted out. The loose-ends can be doctored. Further, drawing conclusions is no bull-fight now!

Actualizing the idea,

# Can this rule be mastered all of a sudden?

# How do you dig up to confidently hit upon the effectual 20% part?

This slips the situation into the valley of probabiliy!

Well, just like anything else this rule can also be mastered, tackled and bossed. All it needs a little push of practise. Few tips can be like:

# Try cutting down the poppycock in the usual chatter. As Robert Kiyosaki(Author:Rich Dad, Poor Dad) says apply KISS-Keeping It Simple Stupid!

# Twitter, the microblogging service helps do the same by limiting the input by 140 characters. Doesn't that make you downsize the message you wish to deliver to something more simple and smart?

# The 30-page topic which we lauder it down to somewhere around 300-500 word essay in the examinations is our education system's way of teaching us how to KISS!

Afterall, it's the conclusion that matters. Just make it great!

Thursday 6 September 2012

Big Biz!

Interesting data from Harvard Business school working knowledge reveals that, MOST Startup companies fail. It's an unsettling fact for the bright-eyed entreprenuers. The statistics are disheartening no matter how an entrepreneur defines failure:

# If failure means liquidating all assets, with investors losing most or all the money they put into the company, then the failure rate for start-ups is 30 to 40%.

# If failure refers to failing to see the projected return on investment, then the failure rate is 70 to 80%.

# If failure is defined as declaring a projection and then falling short of meeting it, then the failure rate is a whopping 90 to 95%.
The hardball question is: Why do they fail?

Obviously no entreprenuer would startup a company with failure as his end in view. Even then, they never fail to fail. Some of them fail trivially, some moderately, some fail greatly, blowing up the castles-in-the-air they've built so far. Now,probing in to the cause of the failures, besides many intermediary factors like,

-Improper management

-Insufficient capital

-Lack of planning

-Poor advertising

-Inexact business location

there exist one more top-drawer subtle philosophy which the major part of entreprenuers often overlook or fail to understand: relationships!

Yes, the knack of understanding the relationship between client/customer/end user/consumer and the goods/services supplied is where successful entreprenuers match out from the rest. Understanding and mastering this fine-spun philosophy is what puts successful entreprenuers in The Big League. Remember Steve Jobs? He was ahead in the game not only that he worked for his passion, but he was outstanding at understanding the intricacies of human relations with the gadgets. He figured out the secret recipe. He outlied!

But where does anyone matriculate to gain expertise of the enigmatic nature of relationships? What can inspire humans to gain insights in to understanding this inexplicable relationships?

Well, I've got an Idea for this pickle. My idea is a natural model. A model which can teach the facts and disciplines of the relationships. An impeccable model which is surviving flawlessly for more than a million years: The Ecological model.

Ecology is a branch of science which deals with relation and interaction between different organisms and environment. Being a part of this very model we seldom give a shot trying to realize the nature of these relations. We might have previously studied basics of ecology as a part of our education. But have we "understood" them? There is just a flimsy difference between knowing and understanding. For instance, you may "know" that tomato is actually a fruit, only if you "understand" that fact you'll not put that in a fruit salad. Realize the difference? So, mere knowing doesn't make a difference. You gotta understand to make it great!

# There exists similarity in patterns in the ways and means in which man understands ecology.

# The similarity between Barter system of Trading and the symbiosis( relationship between individuals of different species where both individuals derive a benefit) is one of the remarkable analogy.

If you're looking forward for a new business plan, now I give you the source code for the best laid plans: The Ecological model. For it has been living and kicking since the pre-human era.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Dream way!

Unquestionably everyone of us had some occasional wildest foolhardy dreams while we were young as kids.Some of those dreams evolved into our dearest.Those dreams grew with us.We rejoiced fantasizing those dreams.We built castles in those dreams.Just a flash of those dreams swept smiles on our face.But,did you stargaze those dreams considering all the prospects and back-up you possessed at that instant?Did you ever throw-in a thought to the practicabilty of that might-be-mission-impossible dream?

From the history of great Human race,let me introduce you three gentlemen who outlied the conventional way of life.They were neither supernatural nor celestial.They weren't gifted or granted.They were just like any one of us.They just took their strange dream,a little seriously!

Let them be A,B,C.

#'A' was born in a small town to the first businessman in a family of priests.Married while he was in college and joined his father's firm at the age of 19.He dreamt something really BIG!
His dream was:setting up an iron and steel company, a world-class learning institution, a one-of-a-kind hotel and a hydro-electric plant.

# 'B' was born to an unmarried couple, given up for adoption,being a college drop-out,with his friend's cooperartion he built a computer in his garage when he was 19.His dream was to make the world immeasureably better and simpler place to live.He always used to say 'make it great'.

#'C' was born to a low wage worker in a family of 2 daughters and 3 sons.His fathers deteriorating health forced the matriculation passed son to work.As a petrol pump attendant his dream was to build a refinery of his own.

These three gentlemen with their off-base dreams proved to the world that dreams can no longer be just dreams.Taking the dream seriously might be often considered a risk but then again how can you live all your life with something while your heart craves for something else?

Out of a survey I conducted myself among my mates, I found that age matters a lot while people think of taking risks.Coz the older they grow the higher the responsibilty of family,relations and above all financial independence.Surprizingly 50% of the people who chose to take risk at teenage sided up with taking a safer just-for-paying-bills jobs at middle age.

The idea here is so simple: Fail young, so you never fail again!

"Fail young" implies to start cooking for your dream at an early age so eventhough you end up in dust you've got long way to rise up and start back.Moreover lessons of fall at that age can have heroic results, results which results in revolution.Inspite of the lessons if you fall again, this time failure is no alien thing.you've got the knack!

Guessed the A,B,C??

'A' is "father of Indian industry",founder of largest conglomerate company,TATA Group of companies-Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata.

'B' is Steve Jobs:co-founder of Apple Inc.,a company that only he could have built.Co-founder of PIXAR and founder of NeXT Inc.

'C' is Dhirajlal Hirachand Ambani or so-called Dhirubhai Ambani,the rags-to-riches business tycoon who founded Reliance Industries.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain.

Monday 13 August 2012

Mend the trend!

Did you know that,
~80% of world's resources are consumed by the immoderate 20% of the population?

~Energy usage alone accounts for over 30% of an average company's operating budget?

~A tap leaking at the rate of 1drip a second could diddle away over 12,000 litres of water a year?

~Up to 90% of the handheld gadget material can be conveniently recycled although most of them find place in landfills?

~One-third of the obese people live in the so called developed countries?

Let's pose ourselves a simple question: Are we really using our resources in such a way wherein the future generations need not compromise with their needs?phrasing it the other way,Are we really "developing" in a sustainable fashion?well,the answer is a neverfailing NO.

The prevailing Q and A war isn't about "supply and demand" or the "study of wants",it is about the untold bounds of human species which now questions the productivity of future generations.Popping out the central point,it is about "Sustainable Development".Although it sounds pretty much vague,it is no brain-pricking phrase.

Sustainable development strictly means," Development that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs."

My idea here is neither about world class sustainable development which creates a revolutionary inside out situation of the nations nor about solving grand old problems of the universe in a jiffy.My idea is as simple as always and as feasible as it seems:Individual stewardship.

In simple terms stewardship adds up to
"Responsible overseeing and protection of something considered worth caring for and preserving"
which in our case is the self.Which implies taking ample care of our resources and means in a retrospective manner.Well,forasmuch as the objective is now unclouded,do you think individual stewardship is a possible phenomenon?yes it is.Changing the resource consuming attitudes of the  the singletons eventually results in modulation of the same habits of the organisation/company which further reflects in the society.Behavioural changes play captain-role in bringing a roundabout change.Following are few possible everyday practises.

#Use paperbags: The naked truth about paper is that it is pure renewable resource,eco friendly and biodegradable but then again where does the paper come from?,trees.and cutting of trees causes?,yeah..the universal terror:deforestration!!So,when we're so bothered about using renewable paper bags we gotta be equally tormented about their recyclabilty.

#Have a garden in your home to grow vegetables.At worst have a teeny weeny garden growing your best-loved sweetheart vegetable.For all I know,Something is always better than nothing!

#If you are fast on the draw about power consumption then head up for what am about to say.Using CFL(compact fluorescent lamp) has many awing already known advantages but do you know that every CFL contains 4-6mg of mercury,a neurotoxin.This urges us to be more choosy in disposing the cfls as improper disposing leads to biohazards.
#Learn to reuse things out-of-the-way.

#Give your car a break!Own a bicycle.20% of our everyday work lies within 2kilometer radius which can be a plain sail with bicycle,besides all the environmental advantages isn't cycling fun?Moreover cycling to work can boost up the eco-friendliness of your company and materialistically speaking,fetches your company the uniqueness of corporate culture.

By starting it small,the bounds of possibility can be pushed to farther extent.Buckle up to learn common things uncommonly well.It might be just you,but you can still change a life.So start saving,start sustaining,start stewarding,coz there's always a better way!